Teaching Factory Concept

Nanyang Polytechnic is known for its unique Teaching Factory Concept. This innovative training model has won acclaim from industries and academics, both locally and internationally.

The Teaching Factory addresses the challenge commonly faced by institutions in trying to emulate a real-world environment within a typical educational institution setting. An important and integral component of the Teaching Factory Concept is industry projects which staff and students work closely on, as a team. These projects feature real-life industry problems with cost, quality, reliability and deadline constraints; often requiring multi-disciplinary capabilities residing in different schools.

The Teaching Factory harnesses a Progressive Curriculum which is outcome based, making teaching and learning both engaging and effective. It represents a total system approach that converts theoretical knowledge into skills and competences. When correctly implemented, it creates a powerful effect not only on the quality and effectiveness of teaching and learning, but also on the attitude and mindset of staff and students.  In NYP, this positive systemic interaction contributed to the formation of an environment that fosters teamwork, innovation, strong linkage with industry, and a strong focus on capability development.

For International Training, Capability Development and Capacity Building Programmes, please contact:

Ms Esther Bay, Director

Tel: (65) 6550 0094


Mr Chua Gim Peng, Senior Manager

Tel: (65) 6550 0031


For Application of Full-Time Diploma Courses:

NYP’s Information & Service Centre, i@Central

Tel: (65) 6451 5115
