Quick Facts About Singapore

getting to know Singapore

The Republic of Singapore is a Southeast Asian city located at the southern most tip of Malay peninsula. In the 2018 Global Competitiveness Report published by the World Economic Forum, Singapore is ranked the 2nd most competitive economy in the world. Singapore is also the safest place in the world according to a report released by the World Justice Project in 2018. 

Singapore has a population of about 5.6 million people.  It is a multicultural and multiracial country with approximately 74% Chinese, 13% Malay, 9% Indian and 4% other races. Singapore has four official languages, namely Chinese, English, Malay and Tamil. However, English is the language medium for education and business

Singapore At A Glance

Location:Southeast Asia, islands between Malaysia and Indonesia
Area:721.5 sq km
Weather:Warm all year round with temperature averaging 30°C
Per capita GDP:US$ 58,247.90 (2018)
Major industries:Electronics, petroleum and petrochemicals, high-end manufacturing, bio-medical & life sciences, banking & financial services, logistics and transportation as well as tourism.
Population:5,638,700 (Statistics Singapore, 2018)
LanguageYou will be able to speak English to Singaporeans, most of whom are fluent in it. Many Singaporeans also speak an additional language, usually Mandarin Chinese, Malay or Tamil.
Median age:40.8 years
Life expectancy:83.2 years
Religions:Buddhism, Muslim, Christianity, Taoism, Catholicism
Literacy:about 97.3% of the population.
International country code:+65
Useful Numbers:

Police - 999

Ambulance & Fire Brigade - 995

Flight Information - http://www.changiairport.com/en/flights.html

Tourism in Singapore

Visitors who plan to travel in Singapore and the surrounding areas after official business may wish to visit the Your Singapore website, for more information. Visitors are responsible for fulfilling all visa requirements of the regional countries they intend to visit before leaving their home country.