NYPi Gallery
Published on 26 May 2017

MOU signing between TFI, NYPi and the Philippines

MOU Signed

An MOU was signed on 9 September 2019 at the Malacañang Palace between TFI, NYPi and Department of Education, Philippines. The MOU was witnessed by the 2 presidents – President Halimah Yacob and President Rodrigo Duterte.

Courtesy Call to Minister and Deputy Minister of Education, Bangladesh

MOU Signed

Dr Henry Heng, CEO/NYPi in a gift exchange with Dr Dipu Moni, Education Minister, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

For International Training, Capability Development and Capacity Building Programmes, please contact:

Ms Esther Bay, Director

Tel: (65) 6550 0094


Mr Chua Gim Peng, Senior Manager

Tel: (65) 6550 0031


For Application of Full-Time Diploma Courses:

NYP’s Information & Service Centre, i@Central

Tel: (65) 6451 5115
